Tuesday 5 April 2011

WEEK 4 - Induction to Profiling

Induction in the equipment used to set up the profiles. 

Dumpy level is a an optical instrument used in surveying and building to transfer, measure, or set horizontal levels
The Dumpy is mounted on a tripod to sit at eye level for operation and uses a measuring staff to focus onto for reading horizontal levels.

The Dumpy level

Setting the dumpy and finding the horozontal level of the first corner of the house.

 About to focus onto the first corner of the house.
 Ah Chee's group is focusing on the seond corner of the house, They have the first corner height and subtracted the dumpy level height from the FFL. Then collecting the readings from the other two corners.

1. If the four corners are all the same reading, is the house level? 

2. If the readings are not the same, is the house level?

3. If the house is not level, how can you find out how much it is out of level?


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