Tuesday 3 May 2011

WEEK 5 Start building the Unitec house


The site for the house to be built on was over grown with weeds and vegetation. This has to be cleared to reach solid ground and clear for marking out the location of the house.

The site is now cleared and looks a lot tidy for working on and marking out for profiles. This also makes the site safe from tripping over, standing on hidden sharp objects, twisting ankles. 


From the plans we set out the location of the house on-site, marking from the boundary of the property and measuring in from two boundary sides, we get the starting points to where the house is located on the site.
From here we can plot out the rest of the perimeter of the house using right angles from the formula 3-4-5. 


Depending on the shape of the house we can now work off these two sides and plot the building line of the house. Now we can set our profiles to each corner of the building line.

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